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Access Rights For ERP – Why is it necessary?

Have you owned ERP software? If yes, then you would already have access rights for ERP. If you’ve not, must read this blog. The blog is especially for those who own an ERP system but their data is not secured at all.

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There are some risks you should not take particularly when it comes to data security. ERP software is undoubtedly home to all your important business information and it should be a risk-free zone. Unauthorized users tend to misuse private data, whether intentional or unintentional.

The best way to reduce risk in an ERP is through ‘access control’. Yes, access control is known as identity and access management (IAM).

In short:

To lessen the risk of security breaches, businesses must examine users and limit ERP access on a strict need-to-know basis.

As we will explain in this blog, ERP access control needs the strategic applications of the following practices:

Take a look at each of these strategies.

#1. Distribution Of Access Levels To Each Role

Just as you wouldn’t hand the expensive item to an unaware person, never grant high-level configuration/admin rights to those who haven’t earned them. You should only allow the necessary level of access needed to perform.

ERP access can be allocated according to some combination of the following:

User Role

Every organization has a particular person for a particular role. Designate the necessary ERP access to each person within your organization.

Permission Level

Management-level and senior employees are highly experienced – in both the system and the company and their permissions should reveal that. Designate a permission level to each user, in the form of a number like 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on. The higher the number, the more access is allowed.

Document Type

Not all documents are useful for all your employees. For example, an entry-level sales representative may require access to sales invoices, but not the necessary contracts. Safeguard your high-level documents by designating them at a higher permission level.


#2. Verify That User Administration Is Incessant And Instant

Alongside regular audits, user administration should be continued, with strict guidelines and process standards to make sure that role modification reflects in the system instantly.

This Process Includes:

Including New Users

Before including new users or hiring to the system, appeal that their manager gives a detailed list of modules needed to perform their task.

Changing Existing Users

If the duties of an existing user change or if the user wants access to a previously gated module, their manager decides which permission should be granted.

Disabling Inactive Users

This is another one of the most important safeguards against unauthorized access. In spite of how trustworthy an –ex-employee was if their account remains active in the system and your ERP data is likely to security breaches.

If possible all changes must be made as soon as a new employee is appointed, an existing employee is reassigned and a former employee quit from the company. Do not wait so long in making necessary adjustments, otherwise, your ERP data may be at risk.

#3. Update Logins And Need Strong Passwords

Set strong password and secure ERP system in the following ways:

Combination Of Letters

Your password should be a combination of letters including symbols, numbers, lowercase letters, and capitalized letters. Not use pet names and birthdays dates as they are not effective safeguards. Password should be complex and long, it is better.  

Update Passwords

It is ideal to update passwords once every six months. Regular updates restraint the lifespan of password-based security beaches, and the volume. Thus, preserve the integrity and safeguard your ERP system.

Unique Passwords

Your password formation should be unique for every application you use. By logging in with the same passwords on your all businesses accounts/applications, you invite strangers to take a hint of your password and access all the data at one time.

#4. Identity Management Is An Extra Line Of Defense

If you are thinking up all these passwords, much less remember them, here are the things to follow:

Identify Management Software automatically generates hard-to-crack, peculiar passwords at the click of a button and stores them all in an encrypted digital repository.

Various identity management applications automate ERP access control processes like increasing efficiency, user modification & access rights, and freeing up the IT department to concentrate on quality assurance. It monitors user activity and implements regulatory compliance based on a customizable set of parameters.

#5. Hire A Trustworthy Manager

To always keep eye on your business data and ensure there are no changes that have been made by anyone except you, hire a trustworthy manager. It is a good idea to get a regular update of your data and reduce the risk of leaking official documents/information.

Summing Up

As admins, you need to be wary of user activity, current user access configuration, and unauthorized change to important documents. For expanding businesses, managing all this data manually can become overwhelming. Instead of it use integrated, automated user access management tools; it is easy to lose sight of permission settings. Eventually, you need the right software solution to effectively manage user access within the organization.




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